SEC and DOJ Determine that Section 906 Certification Not Required in Forms 11-K, 8-K or 6-K

October 14, 2003
1 minutes
David A. Fine
Robert F. Hayes
Christopher A. Klem
Jonathan M. Zorn

On October 8, 2003, the SEC staff announced that, after extensive consideration, the SEC and the DOJ have jointly determined that Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act does not require a certification to be included with Forms 11-K, Forms 8-K (even Forms 8-K that include financial statements), or Forms 6-K. We have recently confirmed that position with the staff of the DOJ. Neither the SEC nor the DOJ is expected to issue a release or other written guidance on this matter.

We had previously reported that Senator Biden had included in the Congressional Record a statement to the effect that the Sarbanes-Oxley Section 906 certification was intended to apply to Form 11 -K (see our June 2, 2003 SEC Alert). At that time, we recommended that, absent contrary guidance from the SEC or the DOJ, the certification be included with Forms 11-K. In view of the SEC/DOJ’s recent joint determination, companies need no longer file these certifications with their Forms 11-K, 8-K or 6-K.

Contact Information
If you have any questions or would like to learn more about these rules, please contact your usual legal advisor at Ropes & Gray.


David A. Fine
David A. Fine
Retired Partner
Robert F. Hayes
Robert F. Hayes
Retired Partner
Christopher A. Klem
Christopher A. Klem
Retired Partner
Jonathan M. Zorn
Jonathan M. Zorn
Retired Partner