An Update on EU CSRD Transposition – Where Do Things Stand?

November 25, 2024
1 minutes

Ropes & Gray – in conjunction with leading law firms across Europe – has once again updated its monthly CSRD Transposition Tracker. The updated tracker is available here.

The Tracker describes Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive transposition activity across the 27 EU member states and 3 EEA EFTA countries. This update includes information and developments as of October 31, 2024, as well as additional commentary from the participating law firms. It also includes information regarding forward incorporation by reference by subsidiaries to consolidated parent company reports, translation requirements and publication requirements.

So far, 15 countries have adopted legislation implementing the CSRD (at least in part), another nine have proposed legislation and one additional country has held a consultation. Since our last monthly update, Belgium and Poland have introduced implementing legislation.

The count is now down to five countries that have not launched a consultation or introduced legislation: Austria, Greece, Malta, Portugal, and Iceland.

About our practice

Ropes & Gray has a leading ESG, CSR and business and human rights compliance practice. We offer clients a comprehensive approach in these subject areas through a global team with members in the United States, Europe and Asia. Senior members of the practice have advised on these matters for more than 30 years, enabling us to provide a long-term perspective and depth and breadth of experience that few firms can match. For further information on the practice, click here.

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