ESG is integral to risk mitigation and value creation for most private fund managers and their portfolio companies. This year is likely to be the most challenging year yet for ESG compliance. There have been significant recent developments in the United States (federal and state) and Europe, with more on the horizon.
As a leading ESG advisor to the private funds industry—on both the law and the lore—Ropes & Gray also is a thought leader.
To help private fund managers and their portfolio companies effectively and efficiently navigate the rapidly evolving ESG landscape, we have put together a curated collection of more than 20 of our recent ESG compliance resources, authored over the last few months by 23 of our global ESG team members.
These resources span a wide range of topics regarding U.S. federal and state and foreign developments, including macro trends, asset manager regulation, climate reporting, DEI, human rights, product compliance, litigation and enforcement, and mandatory sustainability reporting.
The collection can be accessed here.
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