In Global Investigations Review, Attorneys Discuss The Role of Organizational Culture in Compliance

In The News
September 9, 2022

In Global Investigations Review, a cross-practice team of attorneys co-authored an article that examines links between organizational culture, corporate compliance, and ethical behavior.

The authors note that “data that provides insights into an organization’s culture is the bedrock on which a cultural assessment can then be built [and] a data-driven and human-centered approach [to a compliance program] can have resounding effects on fostering a culture of compliance and ethics.” The piece identifies several real-world examples of companies embroiled in scandals because misconduct was intrinsic in their corporate culture. 

The article was co-authored by litigation & enforcement partner Amanda Raad, senior R&G Insight Lab consultant and behavioral scientist Caitlin Handron, and associates Leah Dowd, Jeffrey Irwin, and Karina Thomas.