Vincent Ip and Oliver Nip Discuss GP/LP Dynamics and Stake Strategies in Private Equity International

In The News
July 2, 2024

In Private Equity International’s May issue asset management partner and Hong Kong office managing partner Vincent Ip discussed GP/LP dynamics amid the difficult fundraising environment.

In the article, which was featured in PEI’s Insight section, Vince noted that GPs are luring investors with additional benefits, such as co-investments and secondaries opportunities. Vince also shared that “where LPs really have been able to exert a bit more muscle is being able to control timelines … [taking] more time to assess managers, so are taking more time to do their diligence and are being more thoughtful when making targeted requests around things like reporting and ESG.”

In the same piece Hong Kong private equity partner Oliver Nip provided observations on interest in GP stake strategies in Asia. “We’ve definitely noticed more discussion in the market on GP stakes,” adding that while most GP stakes strategies are more advanced and mature in North America, he has started to see budding interest in Asia.