Report on Research Compliance Highlights Ropes & Gray Webinar on Final Changes to ORI Research Misconduct Regulations

In The News
October 2, 2024

A recent article published in Report on Research Compliance (RRC) focuses extensively on commentary provided during a recent Ropes & Gray webinar entitled “ORI Issues Final Changes to Research Misconduct Regulations: Key Reforms and Lingering Complexities.”  The RRC article analyzes changes in the final rule issued on September 12, 2024 by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Research Integrity (ORI) that updates federal regulations on research misconduct.

The RRC article summarizes many of the key points made during the Ropes & Gray webinar. It highlights that during the webinar, health care and higher education partner Mark Barnes explained that some of the ORI final rule changes are likely to be welcomed by accused scientists as well as by their institutions, and that health care and higher education counsel Minal Caron emphasized that in the final rule, ORI withdrew the portions of the proposed rule that commenters found to be too difficult or burdensome to implement.

The Ropes & Gray webinar took place on September 19 and was hosted by Mark Barnes and Minal Caron, along with Multi-Regional Clinical Trials Center of Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Faculty Director Dr. Barbara Bierer and University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center’s Madhu Purewal, Senior Legal Officer & Executive Director, Research Compliance.