European Council Adopts Conclusions Expressing Support For CSRD Simplification and Quick Action on the Omnibus

March 21, 2025
1 minutes

At its meeting yesterday, the European Council adopted conclusions on several topics, including the Omnibus proposals. The conclusions express high-level support for the Omnibus’ goals and advocate for quick action. More specifically, the Council: 

  • Calls on the European Commission and the co-legislators to work towards achieving the target of reducing the cost of all administrative burdens by at least 25%, and by at least 35% for SMEs.
  • Calls on the Commission to identify ways to further simplify and consolidate existing legislation.
  • Urges the co-legislators to take work forward on the Omnibus simplification packages as a matter of priority, with a view to finalizing them as soon as possible in 2025.
  • Calls on the co-legislators to adopt the proposal on the stop-the-clock mechanism at the latest by June 2025.

For a more detailed discussion of the Omnibus proposals, see this Ropes & Gray post.

The conclusions adopted by the Council are available here.  

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